Taking notes 60: why teachers matter in dark times

by Henry A. Giroux
Donald Trump, declares he likes “the uneducated” — implying that it is better that they stay ignorant than be critically engaged agents — and boasts that he doesn’t read books. Continue reading Taking notes 60: why teachers matter in dark times

Taking notes 56: On hope and hype: reflections on a New Year’s tradition

by Venerable Bhikkhu Bodhi
How, I ask myself, can declaring my hopes to others make a dent in a world oblivious to our dreams? How can we expect the mere change of a date to alter the conditions under which we live? Continue reading Taking notes 56: On hope and hype: reflections on a New Year’s tradition

Taking notes 51: Dark waters: Katrina and the politics of disposability

by Henry A. Giroux Hurricane Katrina does more than evoke a critical understanding of institutional racism and the politics of racial disposability[1]; it also elicits new and more dangerous justifications for racist policies. For instance, the neoliberal shill Malcolm Gladwell … Continue reading Taking notes 51: Dark waters: Katrina and the politics of disposability